image print on any Windows supported printer


Put the following prototype in the prototypes section of the application program header file:

void ( __stdcall *pfnFFPrint)( HWND, void*, int, int );


Black & white image print. Maybe it also prints colour images in black & white, you should test it before including into your apps.

Description and use

Prints to the default printer. To print several images don't use this function, but see the complete example given below.


The image should have been loaded in memory at one byte per pixel.

  • HWND window handle to the application program
  • void* pointer to the memory area that contains the raster image
  • int image width in pixel/8
  • int image length in lines

Return value


Application example

  • print TIFF files on any printer supported by Windows print several b&w images each contained into a TIFF file compressed CCITT group IV-2d; the example shows how to set up the printer, how to convert the TIFF images into bitmaps in memory, and then how to call StretchBlt to actually print the bitmaps

See also
  • FFTiffServices: single image TIFF file management
  • FFDec: CCITT group 4 bidimensional decompression
